per bunch
Basil is a well-known name for the culinary herb. Would like to make your pizza or salad smell and taste differently and intriguing, basil will manage this task. This is a
"king of herbs" by many cookery authors, so don't pass by and join the
credible community. Basil is most commonly used fresh in cooked recipes. In general, it is added at the last moment, as cooking quickly destroys the flavor.
Nutritional value
- Energy 22Kcal
- Carbohydrates 2.65g
- Protein 3.15g
- Total Fat 0.64g
- Dietary Fiber 1.6g
- a
- b2
- b3
- b6
- b9
- c
- k
- Ca
- Fe
- Zn
- Mg
- P
- Mn